5 Steps to a Financially Steady 2016
Now that 2015 is coming to a close (can you believe it?), it’s time to look forward to 2016. No one plans to let their debt get out of control – most of our clients have been good people who simply had unforseen events occur. By planning ahead and making good financial decisions, you can avoid those credit-busting bumps in the road.
The best way to avoid bankruptcy is to set a solid financial foundation and stick to your game plan. The following tips will help you plan ahead and form the right habits so that 2016 will be the year you can finally feel secure.
1. Talk about money
If you can’t dedicate the time to sit down and talk about your finances, then nothing else matters – the rest of the steps will be pointless. It’s important to talk openly about your money, so you know what’s coming in and what’s being spent. If you wait for a financial crisis, it’s probably already too late. If you sit down with your spouse and set goals together, you’re much more likely to stick to the plan you create.